Saturday, January 26, 2013

Trollbloods- pMadrak and Beasts

I have added pMadrak, a Mauler, and an Impaler to my Trollblood list. I am hoping to create a block of high def. troops as a tarpit unit (Fennblades) and then come in and kill with beasts and Madrak.

Here are unedited pics
I unfortunately saved over the unedited Impaler and will have to get it another time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lizardmen- Saurus

Over the holidays I bought a Lizardmen army. While my friends hate me for this choice, there is just something in every guy that wants to play with dinosaurs.

I decided to go with a green and light brown color scheme. Everything will be based on these colors for skin.

Bases are not completed but the brown muddy base will have 3 different static grasses, forest undergrowth, and muddy puddles.