Well, it has been a while since I last posted. That has given me time to put a lot of work into my Lizards. I also painted up, and sold, an entire Cygnar Constance Tier army. I will put up picks of these things over the next couple of weeks.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
Mercs (Fiona) vs. Circle (Grayle)
I got a 50 pt. game in versus Mercs and boy was it a beating. It was one of those games where they have a counter for everything you bring. My opponent was a nice guy so that made it better, but it was not my best game (actually my worst ever). In reality we played two games, but he won the first game and it went something like this.
First players second turn he controls my Lord of the Feast (Storm Rager) to attack Grayle. He is in back arc (We were using shoulders and I forgot so I had him facing wierd because I usually play him how his facing is) and kills Grayle on the last attack due to my 4 transfers.
His List
10 Nyss Hunters
10 Long Gunners
Press Gangers with Seductress
Di Wulfe
Di Bray
Dugal McNaile
Rutgar Shaw
Maybe other stuff
My list
Bloodtrackers + Nuala (preyed pressgangers)
Min Skinwalkers + Alpha
Stones + UA
His 1st
Everything moves up. Not much to say here
My 1st
I move some bloodtrackers to shoot long gunners and press gangers. They kill some pressgangers, can't reach the long gunners and then I reform to spread out. Skinwalkers go behind a wall except for one of them. The Battlegroup moves into a forest on my right and back of killbox. They get in the stones. Whitemane secures right and LotF secures the left.
His 2nd
He seduces two things to bloodtrackers to clump me up. He pounds the bloodtrackers to dust with Galleon and di Wulfe. The Nyss kill one. (I have 3 left). He moves his arc nodes di Bray to kill LOTF with magic from Fiona. Controls one of the Skinwalkers to kill another of them. Pops feat (-1 attack and damage die in her control) and everything he has is within control.
My 2nd
Nothing I have can hit or damage on better than a 5 but usually 6 or not at all. I try to kill a solo with a tracker, need a five but miss. My skinwalkers charge up to try to kill Corbeau with combined. Need a 5 on either attack and miss both. Nyss pass fear and so do press gangers. My battlegroup readjusts to strike next turn. Whitemane moves around to do the same. This turn sucked! No scenario points given.
His 3rd
He seduces the warborn to attack one another and offer backs to the Nyss. Galleon runs, long gunners run (he controls entire left side). Gets 3 points (1 for his own objective with Fiona on it and 2 for controlling my objective).
My 3rd
I finally have a chance to do something. With Grayle feat I can get all beasts into Galleon and the whitemane and grayle into the Nyss. Grayle activates, pops feat and goes to work. Oh wait, the Nyss .(only thing Grayle can attack) have Roth's Mercy on them and can sac another model in their unit instead of dying. This means that the 3" of movement from his feat never activates because he isn't killing anything with his melee attack. Nothing makes it to where they are charging because they don't have 3". Grayle is in the open. Game over.
Final Thoughts:
Like I said, everything I had was countered by his list
Bloodtrackers- He had 1+2d3 AOE and 2 seductions
Skinwalkers- shooting and seduction/influence to kill themselves
Feat- Nyss with Roth's Mercy
Stealth- AOEs everywhere
High MAT on my stuff- Feat turn
This game made me cry. Poor Grayle, even his own attack shenanigans were destroyed by the list. I should have played more in his grill since he had shooting. If I had done that, I would have had a chance after weathering the feat turn. I played too cautiously and it cost me.
First players second turn he controls my Lord of the Feast (Storm Rager) to attack Grayle. He is in back arc (We were using shoulders and I forgot so I had him facing wierd because I usually play him how his facing is) and kills Grayle on the last attack due to my 4 transfers.
His List
10 Nyss Hunters
10 Long Gunners
Press Gangers with Seductress
Di Wulfe
Di Bray
Dugal McNaile
Rutgar Shaw
Maybe other stuff
My list
Bloodtrackers + Nuala (preyed pressgangers)
Min Skinwalkers + Alpha
Stones + UA
His 1st
Everything moves up. Not much to say here
My 1st
I move some bloodtrackers to shoot long gunners and press gangers. They kill some pressgangers, can't reach the long gunners and then I reform to spread out. Skinwalkers go behind a wall except for one of them. The Battlegroup moves into a forest on my right and back of killbox. They get in the stones. Whitemane secures right and LotF secures the left.
His 2nd
He seduces two things to bloodtrackers to clump me up. He pounds the bloodtrackers to dust with Galleon and di Wulfe. The Nyss kill one. (I have 3 left). He moves his arc nodes di Bray to kill LOTF with magic from Fiona. Controls one of the Skinwalkers to kill another of them. Pops feat (-1 attack and damage die in her control) and everything he has is within control.
My 2nd
Nothing I have can hit or damage on better than a 5 but usually 6 or not at all. I try to kill a solo with a tracker, need a five but miss. My skinwalkers charge up to try to kill Corbeau with combined. Need a 5 on either attack and miss both. Nyss pass fear and so do press gangers. My battlegroup readjusts to strike next turn. Whitemane moves around to do the same. This turn sucked! No scenario points given.
His 3rd
He seduces the warborn to attack one another and offer backs to the Nyss. Galleon runs, long gunners run (he controls entire left side). Gets 3 points (1 for his own objective with Fiona on it and 2 for controlling my objective).
My 3rd
I finally have a chance to do something. With Grayle feat I can get all beasts into Galleon and the whitemane and grayle into the Nyss. Grayle activates, pops feat and goes to work. Oh wait, the Nyss .(only thing Grayle can attack) have Roth's Mercy on them and can sac another model in their unit instead of dying. This means that the 3" of movement from his feat never activates because he isn't killing anything with his melee attack. Nothing makes it to where they are charging because they don't have 3". Grayle is in the open. Game over.
Final Thoughts:
Like I said, everything I had was countered by his list
Bloodtrackers- He had 1+2d3 AOE and 2 seductions
Skinwalkers- shooting and seduction/influence to kill themselves
Feat- Nyss with Roth's Mercy
Stealth- AOEs everywhere
High MAT on my stuff- Feat turn
This game made me cry. Poor Grayle, even his own attack shenanigans were destroyed by the list. I should have played more in his grill since he had shooting. If I had done that, I would have had a chance after weathering the feat turn. I played too cautiously and it cost me.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Circle (Mohsar) vs. Circle (Grayle) 35 point Battle Report
I was recently able to get in a game against a friend of mine. He and I both play circle, but we generally have very different styles. He took his favored Mohsar list and I went with Grayle (to test out my newly painted Winter Argus and Scarsfell Griffon.
Game 1: Mohsar Vs. Grayle 35 points
Mohsar +5
Danger Bunny (Shadowhorn)-7
Stalker -10
Gorax -4
Druids + UA -9
Shifting Stones + UA -3
Shifting Stones -2
Wold Shrimp -5
Grayle +6
Stalker -10
Scarsfell -5
Winter Argus -5
Blood Trackers -5
Min Skinwalkers + UA -8
Min Ravagers + UA -8
Scenario: Close Quarters (Didn't matter in this game)
I went first and moved my AD ravagers up to some trees on my right. The Bloodweavers went left behind and between some impassible terrain. The Scarsfell went left with the weavers. The Winter Argus and Stalker moved up (stalker prowl in woods). Skinwalkers moved up in the middle. Grayle put storm rager on self and moved up.
My opponent moved his wold shrimp up on my left. His druids hid in some big boulders that had small charge avenues. He put shifting stones all mixed up in the middle left by the boulders. Mohsar moved up and put up 3 pillars to stop my charge lanes.
Turn 2:
I get rid of some pillars but it takes an annoying number of models to do it. My bloodweavers run up into his druids and other stuff to try to be annoying. My skinwalkers hit the pillars. My ravagers try to charge or get to the druids. I may have killed on or not any. Don't remember. Grayle moves up with SR still on and puts on the Argus winter coat and the stalker and argus moves with him. The griffon sits behind the terrain on the left.
His turn. He kills some bloodweavers with his wold shrimp. He kills some others with his druids. He still hides his stones and kills two ravagers with the stalker and sprints away. The one he killed was the officer so my new officer is 9 away from my remaining two and therefore they are out of formation. He puts up 3 pillars in all the charge lanes (The huge boulders allowed him to protect a huge area with the pillars because he could put them between pillars for protection.)
Turn 3:
I have an assasination chance, but my own ravager is in the way. Fortunately, he has to either run directly toward or full advance toward his officer. This enables me to get him out of the way by taking a free strike on his way there...he dies...YEA! Anyway, I knock down some pillars to make things easier. Grayle still has SR. He charges 10" onto a druid. Boosts to make sure he hits. Kills it, sidesteps to another druid for 2". Kills it due to back strike since his druid had charged a bloodweaver and was turned the wrong direction. Sidesteps 2" up to Mohsar an commences to weapon master beat down Mohsar who had no fury for transfer. Got scary when I missed an attack and only had two fury left, but ended up killing him with 1 fury left on Grayle.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Circle of Orboros- Light Warbeasts
I am adding to my Circle collection and I wanted to put the Winter Argus and Scarsfell Griffon in my Grayle list. I am looking forward to seeing how they do for helping him stay alive and charge past models into the soft underbelly of my enemy.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Lizardmen- Carnosaur
I decided that after painting the 15 Saurus warriors I should reward myself by painting something fun. Therefore I decided to go with my general and his mount. I haven't finished the general yet, but the mount is completed. Here we have the Carnosaur.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Trollbloods- pMadrak and Beasts
I have added pMadrak, a Mauler, and an Impaler to my Trollblood list. I am hoping to create a block of high def. troops as a tarpit unit (Fennblades) and then come in and kill with beasts and Madrak.
Here are unedited pics
I unfortunately saved over the unedited Impaler and will have to get it another time.
Here are unedited pics
I unfortunately saved over the unedited Impaler and will have to get it another time.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Lizardmen- Saurus
Over the holidays I bought a Lizardmen army. While my friends hate me for this choice, there is just something in every guy that wants to play with dinosaurs.
I decided to go with a green and light brown color scheme. Everything will be based on these colors for skin.
Bases are not completed but the brown muddy base will have 3 different static grasses, forest undergrowth, and muddy puddles.
I decided to go with a green and light brown color scheme. Everything will be based on these colors for skin.
Bases are not completed but the brown muddy base will have 3 different static grasses, forest undergrowth, and muddy puddles.
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